Fenders are us this week. All of the fenders have now been made this week for the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie. The stowage locker for the right hand side front fender has been completed leaving the left hand front example to be done. This is a complex task and will likely take a few days.
The Sockel pedestal mount for the KwK 38 gun mount for the Sd.Kfz.222 is well on its way and reassembly should begin next week after the individual components have been prepared, cleaned and painted.
The design differences of the Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie fenders have been recorded and will used once we start the Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie fenders in earnest.
The library has seen more attention this week as new shelves have been fitted to accommodate the enormous influx of books we have received recently. Two entire collections of books were acquired by the Foundation. A serious effort will shortly ensue to identify duplicates and reorder the books within the library overall.