This week saw the suspension components fitted with the exception of the front idler wheel assembly – including the axles and wishbone track adjuster/wheel stay. This will be fitted in a few days once they have been delivered. The external paint treatment is well under way with the green black now complete and the cafe au lait tan following. The turret has had a coat of the tan externally and the white internally. All of these colours have been matched by our paint conservation partners to ensure a very accurate end result.
The spade and crowbars and cables for the Renault FT and TSF have been delivered. Spade copied from a period original and the ancient steel cable styled from very good images in our archives. Sourcing the thick rope for the TSF is causing problems for us currently.
More research has been conducted into the Lubrication Chart Schmierplan plaques for the 3 and $ Serie Sd.Kfz 223 and Sd.Kfz 222. The 5 Serie plaque is now finished. Major progress has been made on the Duseneinstellung plaque for the interior of the crew cabin in these armoured cars.