Rear Armour Completed For Sd.Kfz.261, Front Armour Underway. Suspension…..

The work to assemble the rear armour of the Sd.Kfz.261 5.Serie is now complete. The work to reassemble the plates for the front armoured hull is underway. The individual plates have been cleaned of old weld residue to allow for a simpler weld process for the reassembly. All of the panels are now clean and ready to be fitted together again. Some have quite severe distortion due to being hit at some point during the war – perhaps at the end of their operation service – being knocked out.

The armoured panels are providing even more insight into the design and fittings on the panels especially the interior face. This information is being gathered by our archive research people to check for additional variances.

The work on the suspension continues. The current focus is the machining of replacement rockers for the spring supports. There are 2 of these rockers for each spring support. A total of 16 given that there are 4 on each lower large Querlenker wishbone. We have a number of originals but not enough to make a complete set. These are almost complete and will be done early next week.

Have a good weekend!!

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