3 Serie Sd.Kfz.223 – Differential Restoration Walk Through
A view from the team A very interesting step-by-step walk through of the restoration of a Horch 801 differential for our 3 Serie Sd.Kfz 223…
A view from the team A very interesting step-by-step walk through of the restoration of a Horch 801 differential for our 3 Serie Sd.Kfz 223…
For the Weald Foundation insight into any vehicle or artefact is always sought after. Provenance is the Holy Grail. Personal experience and the human story…
The mechanics view I have built and worked on many engines over the years, some out of interest, some necessity and some with the urge…
Late 4.Serie and 5.Serie Rims A recap of our last piece on the subject 4.Serie Sd.Kfz.222 issue with rims resolved: ‘ The Ventilschutzkappe is still…
The first German vehicle that I managed to buy was the very same BMW R75 motorcycle that I’d ridden on the set of the ‘The…
One Shot Lubrication System We were fortunate with the 3.Serie Sd.Kfz 223 chassis in that it was relatively complete. The majority of the Zentralschmierung components…
At the Weald Foundation we select clusters of vehicles and weapons that allow complimentary study by our members. Along with, our 8,8cm armed “Jagdpanther 411…
Description and Maintenance Motor vehicles without suppression cause considerable interference to radio equipment operating in their vicinity the Germans consequently fitted simple suppression equipment to…
The Batteries One of the most difficult aspects of ensuring an authentic restoration is choice of the battery or in the case of our le.Pz.Sp.Wg…
Research moves on and decisions are made! In January 2018, while we were so busy completing the Renault TSF and before we started work on…
With the pressure currently off for our 3.Serie Sd.Kfz.223, the 4.Serie Sd.Kfz.222 is now in focus. We here at the Weald Foundation always strip each…
4.Serie Sd.Kfz.222 issue with rims resolved Our last piece on the wheel rims for the Foundation Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie recorded a small milestone event for us…
A little-known feature of the blockhouse interior of the Foundations Renault TSF is the commander’s desk. This is somewhat simple compared to a conventional desk…
Our le.Pz.Sp.Wg (Fu) (Sd.Kfz.223) 3.Serie was assembled in 1939. The exact date when the hull was mounted to the chassis is not known given that…
In 1918 the Renault TSF represented a dramatic breakthrough in the use of Radio Technology on the Battlefield. A little-known area of the mystery that…
3 Serie Sd.Kfz.223 Rims Resolved Our restoration has taken us up to the point where tyres and the rims are required for the Sd.Kfz 223…
A very important grouping of vehicles belonging to the Foundation is our “Einheitsfahrgestell group (Universal chassis grouping.)”. The advanced specification for the Einheitsfahrgestell were drawn…
Until the year 2000 the Founder Michael Gibb acquired various historical military vehicles for his personal collection. As the collection grew in size Michael decided…
A wider view! My first project was a film called ‘The Dirty Dozen’. We provided a plethora of original WW2 US and German vehicles. The…
An early view It is interesting to reflect on what brought me to value the pursuit of ‘originality’ and becoming a Trustee of the Weald…
Complication? Now that the restoration of our Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie chassis is progressing well we are having to consider the finer detail of the suspension. The…