Merry Christmas Everyone
Thank you for all of your support in 2022. We are looking forward to working with you in 2023 . . . This article has…
Thank you for all of your support in 2022. We are looking forward to working with you in 2023 . . . This article has…
In part 2 of this Inside Track article, we saw how as early as April 1944 Guderian as Inspekteur der Panzertruppen anticipated gaining a share…
When the Foundation became aware of this exceedingly rare item when it appeared on one of the web platforms, we made the decision to secure…
Down in the detail Following their experiences in the 1914-1918 War, the Germans were genuinely concerned that at any time they might be attacked by…
In Part 1 of our Inside Track article on 7,92mm Sturmgewehr 44 (StG.44) (Assault rifle), we discussed the requirement for, development of, and the production…
Stütze – Supports This marks the final Inside Track article surrounding our investigation and restoration of the front bumper assembly of the three le.Pz.Sp.Wg. we…
The Pitfalls of Purchased Products! Our previous Inside Track articles on the Behälter für Sprengminen covered the use and stowage for the 3Kg. Sprengminen. The…
The restoration of any Historic Vehicle is incomplete if it is not fitted out with all the small items of equipment that were carried within…
Our Inside Track article Part 1 covered our investigation into the Safety Strips and the related Leiste (metal fixing strips) covered the components required for…
By October 1944 due to the shortages of paint, it had been decided that the interior of both the Panther Ausf.G and Jagdpanther would be…
Recent articles on our 8,8cm Pak 43 have indicated just how close we are to having a complete project. We have passed the point of…
The Safety Strip fitted around the top edge of the Schutzschild (turret) armour is a vital safety feature for the crew that prevents personal injuries.…
In recent Inside Track articles, we discussed the use of the 3Kg Sprengpatrone (3Kg Demolition charge). These are regular standard demolition charges used by the…
Due to the continuous bombing of both of the M.I.A.G. assembly plant and the nearby city of Braunschweig starting in February 1944, severe delays in…
As mentioned in our Inside Track article last week one of the most formidable items awaiting restoration at the Weald Foundation is our 8,8 cm Pak…
Description One of the most formidable items awaiting restoration at the Weald Foundation is our 8,8 cm Pak 43 antitank gun. This weapon represents the…
Tiger II is not included in the restoration plans of the Foundation as we have more than enough projects with our two Jagdpanther, two Sturmgeschütze,…
In our last Inside Track article (Part 1) we introduced these stowage boxes with a ‘specific and deadly purpose’. The Weald Foundation has just completed…
This summary of the learning from the Spanish Civil War was prepared by General der Artillerie (ausser Dienst) Ing. Ludwig (Ritter von) Eimannsberger (1878 –…
A Gold Standard for Restorations The discussion on what constitutes an original vehicle compared to a complete fake or look alike has been growing over…
Welded or bolted? Radios were only introduced in new and back fitted in le.Pz.Sp.Wg. in 1941. This was toward the end of the Sd.Kfz.222 (Ausf.A)…