Le.Pz.Sp.Wg (FU) (Sd.Kfz.223) Ausf.A -3.Serie – Open Item List (22 December 2023)
Some months ago, we published our ‘Open Item List’ for the restoration of the Foundation’s Le.Pz.Sp.Wg (FU) (Sd.Kfz.223) Ausf.A -3.Serie. As this was well received…
Some months ago, we published our ‘Open Item List’ for the restoration of the Foundation’s Le.Pz.Sp.Wg (FU) (Sd.Kfz.223) Ausf.A -3.Serie. As this was well received…
The volunteers, donors and the huge support given by all of you during 2023 has provided a resonance to all we do here at the…
With the safe recovery of our Sd.Kfz.222 (Ausf.A) 4.Serie -Uberzug für Schutzschild (canvas cover) for the Schützschild (turret) we take a fresh look at the…
Origins – the mittlerer Mannschaftstransportwagen ungepanzerte (medium troop carrier unarmoured) A recent Inside Track article about the Foundation’s outstanding original m.S.P.W. (Sd.Kfz.251) Ausf.D from 1945…
The Weald Foundation would like to invite all our Members to our first big event for 2024, where we will be launching the only running…
Bremsschlussleuchte – Brake Light Members may remember that in previous Inside Track articles we referred to an original bulletin dated 18 August 1939 (before the…
Part 2 On 16 December 2016, our previous Inside Track article on this subject of pre-war Halter für MG Magazin was published. We were assisted…
Our Mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen (Sd.Kfz.251) Ausf.D which was restored around the early 2000s has worked hard in providing exciting transportation for various groups of people including…
Part 1 Background and le.S.P.W. (Sd.Kfz.250 Ausf.B) production The drive by the Board of the Foundation to achieve 100% accuracy extends not only to the…
Our Funkersitz for the Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie has recently taken a big leap forward with the assistance of a seemingly innocuous period image and the discovery…
Hilary Louis Doyle, Weald Foundation Trustee This book by Terence T. Cuneo and was published in January 1943. As a young boy with an interest…
May we firstly extend our apologies to those of you who have struggled with the detail of this topic in the Inside Track research articles…
One of the major questions to be answered now is just what the Foundation’s Sd.Kfz.223 (Ausf.A) 3.Serie would have looked like back in October 1939…
One of the images we have used to assist us with the interior of the Foundation’s Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie is from D686/9 dated 20 April 1940.…
Members often ask how we are progressing with the restoration of the Foundations Le.Pz.Sp.Wg (FU) (Sd.Kfz.223) Ausf.A -3.Serie. On the one hand we are tremendously…
Part I – First impressions – Versailles Back in the early 1990s while attending the various Militaria meets in Normandy and Germany a picture was…
Some weeks ago, we were able to announce that a team from Panzer Farm in Poland had extracted several wrecks from the Czarna Nida river…
Following the recent much acclaimed World War I Event held here at the Foundation we have been asked to summarise the details of the five-digit…
As the impressive barrel and recoil mechanism of our 8.8cm Panzerjägerkanone 43 (L/71) (8,8cm Pak 43) sits outside our main workshop, following each Open Day…
The years of research undertaken to establish the correct text and font for the Notice fitted to the underside of the driver’s door hatches resulted…
The dressing of the Swiss Panzerjäger G13 to appear like its partial predecessor, the Jagdpanzer 38 can only be described as the “pyrite” (fool’s gold)…