Jagdpanther 411

Jagdpanther (8.8 cm Pak) – Sd.Kfz.173 Ausf. G2 Jagdpanther ‘411’ About Jagdpanther ‘411’ February 1945. Even in the final stages of defeat somehow the assembly plants continued to function. At MNH (Maschinenfabrik Niedersachsen-Hannover) one of the last batches of Jagdpanther were loaded onto a train and dispatched to the front. Among them was Fahrgestell Nr…
Sd.Kfz 222 4.Serie, Sd.Kfz 223 4.Serie, Jagdpanther 411

The last two wheel stations are being focused on with the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie. Each part has been degreased and scraped free of any offending post war paint prior to being cleaned once again and coated with the preservative layer. The last wheel station will be fitted by the beginning of next week – hopefully Monday.…
Discovery – StuG III Segeltuch Abdeckung – Sturmgeschütze Ausf.G.

From the Archive – Original canvas weather cover found We are repeatedly asked by our members and collector friends for details of the Foundation’s original Segeltuch Abdeckung ( canvas cover) for Sturmgeschütze Ausf.G. These are remarkably rare as the canvas had great value in the post war rebuilding. It is therefore timely to re-publish some…