Our Australian LP1 carrier project is on the go. This project has caused a great deal of excitement within the team as it is something new after many years of sole focus on armoured cars. It has been confirmed without a shadow of doubt that this carrier is Hull Number 76!! This vehicle was badly chopped around prior to it arriving here at the Foundation. The missing panels are being hunted down. Our experience in repairing battle damaged plates will prove useful in recovering the damaged plates of the LP1.
A series of wireframe drawings are being made (3D) in AutoCAD to allow us to fit in the missing panels and the internal build. We have also identified the items which were removed by souvenir hunters.
The cylinder heads for the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie were painted, the suppression cabling is underway. This will require a separate project which will benefit the TWC Sd.Kfz.223 and the Sd.Kfz.261 5.Serie. We will publish our findings in this regard in our online journal Inside Track once it is complete.
The touching up of the interior paintwork of the armoured car, fitting of the items into their stowage areas, one-shot lubrication final fitting and plumbing in. The extra few weeks awaiting the auto electrician completion have proven to be a boon for the small tasks!!