The highly complicated front fenders are now complete for the Sd.Kfz.223.3.Serie. These multi angled fittings are fortunately quite similar to the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie and with patterns made make a much simpler task than when we started with the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie. The main difference between the fender are the supports.
The supports have all been readied for the antenna frame. The complex task for the antenna hoist mechanism is well under way. This is to crank the frame antenna up and and down as required. The upright posts and antenna frame itself are next. We have half an original antenna frame – one side to use as a reference. This will be used in its entirety but not for this project – for the Sd.Kfz.261 5.Serie.
Jono, one of our volunteers, has almost completed the range of soft skin vehicles in the collection. He has managed to bring all those he has worked on back to good running and driving condition. We are attempting to resolve the issue of poor jets fitted to our Stoewer (below).