The carburettor air inlet manifold drawing was completed this week and sent off for 3D printing in plastic. We expect this to be back with us inside a fortnight.
The Horch 3.5 liter V8 engine is being readied for its main test run (see attached image). The required components for the fuel and water lines have been arriving day by day and are fitted as they arrive. The suppressed distributor unit is carefully being rebuilt. We are in good shape with all of the components with the exception of the condensers. One side of the unit works but the condensers on the other side will need to be replaced. This is in hand and will arrive next week.
The pipes for the radiators all with the same tight radius were unable to be created by any of our local counterparts here in England. These were needed urgently for the completion of the radiators. We purchased a number of items and bent the pipes ourselves. See the lead image. They have since been delivered to the radiator fabricator to allow them to complete their task.
The suppression set up for the Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie is currently being researched. The results of this research will be published in Inside Track when complete.
A very rare rear light guard fitting for the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie has arrived. There is no other known example and will provide an invaluable step for us when we get to complete the fenders and their fittings for the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie. This is all due to the efforts of one our Weald Foundation members. Thank you!!
Have a good weekend everybody and STAY SAFE!!