The long awaited schematic for the Schmierplan Greasing Plan fitted to the interior of the Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie is now complete. The other Schmierplan required for the Sd.Kfz.261 5.Serie is being worked on and should be ready next week. This was an incredibly complex piece of work that has been undertaken by none other than our own resident astrophysicist of Renault FT and TSF fame. The research and investigation crowned by the diligent plotting work will be added to Inside Track in due course.
The Behalter fuer Kartentasche (holder for map case) for the Sd.Kfz.223 has finally been completed. This will be blasted and fitted to the interior of the Sd.Kfz.223 shortly. The Doppeltrommel saddle drum magazine box for the early MG34 is taking shape. This should be completed next week.
The gearbox has been removed from the Renault TSF due to a problem with a sticking steering clutch. The steering clutches are situated on either side of the gearbox. This area will be checked and renewed as required.