The small gunners kits for the KwK 38 are nearly completed. This has involved the use of new exact copy springs being fitted to original KwK. 38 Vorratstasche which were stripped since the war by various civilian populations to be used as containers for a range of items. The final result of these efforts once completed will be posted in our online magazine Inside Track in a few days.
Our efforts in pulling the components together for the Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie, Sd.Kfz.261 5.Serie and the Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie various radio related equipment has gathered pace this week with the arrival of a sizeable package from abroad. The contents will be assessed for usability next week. Careful cleaning will follow.
We are beginning the work of preparing the 3.5 litre Horch V8 block for the Sd.Kfz.223 3.Serie. Ancillary fittings are being gathered together after the lengthy Sd.Kfz.222 4.Serie engine project.