The team’s focus this week has been mainly on the TWC Sd.Kfz.223, with the front fenders finished and primed. All armoured visors have been completed too, with all the toggles and other fittings painted and mounted. These will now go into storage, waiting to be mounted once the rest of the vehicle is finished.
A great photo opportunity was presented to us this week when the TWC Sd.Kfz.223 ‘Schutzschild‘ was taken out so its fittings could be removed and the turret repaired. This late ‘Schutzschild’ is almost identical to our early one, except for the extra rear visors. The team will resume working on our Sd.Kfz.223 for now, as a lot more work is required before it’s finished for its launch on our June Open Day.

This week we also had a generous donation to our library by Mark Fisher. He donated a considerable number of books to our library; these have now joined others we have that need to be checked to identify duplicates and reorder them on the shelves. If you have some experience in this kind of work, maybe you would like to volunteer with us and help at the library. If this is the case, feel free to contact us.
Last but not least, we had a group visit from the Netherlands today, as the team behind the restoration of the Sd.Kfz.164 Nashorn came to see our work. If you don’t know about their vehicle, make sure to check their social media channels to see their work.
Make sure to follow our Workshop posts and updates on our social media channels to stay informed about the latest developments. If you would like to see the amazing Sd.Kfz.223 unveiled and in action, make sure to join our Membership program and book your place for our upcoming June event. Have a great weekend.